In the Media

A short film, a UU World article, some radio, and other places where my shared ministry with the Fairbanks congregation has shown up in the media.

“Faith in Action” interview

This documentary project was led by Princess Daazhraii Johnson and the Interfaith Working Group of the Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition. Four Alaskan leaders from diverse traditions were asked how their faith inspires them to respond to assaults on our democracy.

Alaska fellowship races to get gender-accurate IDs for transgender people
(UU World, 11/21/2016)

This article describes the Trans Passport Project that began at the UU Fellowship of Fairbanks the morning after the 2016 national election.

Our goal was to quickly assist trans people across Alaska overcome barriers such as travel and processing fees to obtain identity documents with their correct gender markers.

While this fund has been utilized throughout the past eight years, it has seen renewed interest and use since 11/5/2024.

Radio Coverage

Testimony in support of Fairbanks Equal Rights Ordinance (Alaska Public Media, December 12, 2018)